Resources for Employers & Job Seekers | Staffing for Texans

What to Look for in a Good Employee

Written by Admin | Jun 27, 2024 9:17:26 AM

Hiring good employees is essential to any business.

While it is extremely important that the candidate you hire fulfill the necessary skills needed to be successful according to your job description, an employer must also consider the soft skills necessary to ensure compatibility.* Ask yourself: does this position require a candidate to work on a team? Does it require initiative? Does the role have a strict timeline?

An employer must consider the soft skills necessary to ensure compatibility

Here are some skills every employer should look for, regardless of the position:

Strong Work Ethic

Employees who have a strong work ethic take pride in their role, and show they are able to produce results that benefit the business. These employees demonstrate that they can be trusted to complete their tasks without guidance and represent the company well.

Good Communication Skills

Having employees who can communicate timely and effectively will always benefit any business. Employees who are able to not only talk, but also listen, are paramount in ensuring instruction for employees is clear, ask questions when needed, and help the business ensure things are being done correctly.

Time Management

Being an employee who can manage their time well ensures things are done smarter, not harder. Employees with good time management skills are usually organized, use applications or planners that assist them, and set goals for themselves, all of which are skills an employer should be looking for that can benefit the business in the long run.

Critical Thinking

Employees who are able to make logical decisions within the business are usually effective and efficient. These employees can identify biases and get past them to produce the most logical outcome, which is usually the most cost-effective.


Unforeseen things happen in businesses – an employee quits, a machine becomes inoperable, deadlines change, or budgets are cut. Employees who are adaptable are able to pivot roles and adjust to new conditions.

Stress Management

All roles have a degree of stress associated with it, some more than others. If this role has difficult deadlines or requires an employee to juggle multiple projects at once, you want to have an employee who can manage their stress well and not let it affect their performance. Employees who are able to do this usually have a positive attitude, set goals, are organized, and employ self-improvement techniques.


Having trust and confidence in your work place is essential to your business. Employees with integrity are honest, do not steal or cheat, and treat other employees with respect. You can rely on employees with integrity to do the right thing.

Team Player

Many roles require employees to work with other employees, and making sure your hire has good people skills, someone who is able to communicate, collaborate, and treat others with respect, will work well on team.

*Gallup’s meta-analysis, companies with highly engaged employees are 21% more profitable.